Butch Pliske, aka Pliske Marine, has been a marine surveyor since 1984.
World Yacht Survey was formed in 1998 and consists of; Butch Pliske, Chris Pliske who holds a Limited Oceans Chief Engineer & Unlimited Oceans 2nd Engineers license, David Pliske, graduate of United States Naval Academy and US Navy Lieutenant, Robert Albright, graduate of University of New York Maritime College - a professional yachtsman and surveyor for 20 years, and Charles E. Weldon graduate of; Triangle Technical Institute, Chapman School of Seamanship and ABYC Certification in Yacht and Small Craft Surveying. Art Samohvalovs; graduate Russian Federal Maritime Academy as Master of Science, Marine Electrical &technical Engineering. USCG licenses, QMED Steam & Motor and others. United States & International licenses, Electrical Marine, Marine Electronics. Professional Mariner since 1995, Professional Yachtsman since 2008. Fluent in English and Russian.
World Yacht Surveyors survey yachts all over the world for some of the most discriminating yachtsmen in the world. We survey all sizes of yachts, power and sail; however the average size yacht we survey is over 100' in length. We are efficient because we can put a team of talented men on board, and needless to say, all of our work is confidential.
We hope to be able to assist you in the purchase or construction of your new yacht.
HM Pliske